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December 2008 Archives

December 8, 2008

Rossman Family Expansion Planned

We are happy to share our latest bit of news-- Melissa is 12 weeks pregnant! We're expecting the newest member of our family June 23rd, 2009. Today we went to the doctor for our first full-on sonogram and the images were fantastic!

Baby lying face up

Baby happily pumping a fist :)

Stay tuned for the very, very welcome return of Belly Shotz!

December 14, 2008

Project: Shaker!

Our little cutie made her own art project (with some help from Mom & Dad): a very noisy shaker! Can you guess what the letters stand for?


December 15, 2008

The Return Of: Belly Shotz!!!!!

We are ever so pleased to present the return of Belly Shotz!!!



December 18, 2008

Guess Who?!

Today was our daycare holiday party. We really know how to pull some strings, because a very special guest came down all the way from the North Pole! It's too bad daddy arrived so late and just missed seeing the special guest. A few minutes earlier and he would have had a chance to meet Santa- live and in person!



December 24, 2008

Ginger Bread & Sweet Potato Latkes

Over the last couple weeks we've been working on a number of food related projects :)

The first was building our very own gingerbread house! The second was doing some trial runs of latkes for LatkaPalooza 2008!


See more pictures of the action here...

December 26, 2008

Hanukkah 2008

Just a few pics from Hanukkah 2008. Someone in our home has some mad play-doh skillz.


December 28, 2008

LatkaPalooza 2008!!!!!!!

This year's LatkaPalooza was once again a smash success! We had about 60 folks stop by for latke yumminess. It was wicked fun having so many family members and friends come hang out for the evening :)

The kids ran amok and the adults rocked out. I can't wait to see what happens next year!!




December 31, 2008

Visiting the Udvar-Hazy Air & Space Museum

This morning, Sierra and I took a trip out to the Air & Space Museum Annex to see the aircraft. We had such an incredible time. Between seeing all the airplanes, helicopters, and space craft; talking with a WWII Fighter Pilot, sitting in a Cessna 150, and catching a few minutes of an IMAX, we had a very exciting morning!




About December 2008

This page contains all entries posted to Hart and Melissa's Fabulous Website in December 2008. They are listed from oldest to newest.

November 2008 is the previous archive.

January 2009 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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