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Welcome Baby Falon!

On Thursday, August 7th, 2008 my sister and brother in-law had the pleasure of welcoming their first bundle of joy into the world! At 9lbs and 1.6oz. baby Falon Nathaniel came into our lives, with a smile, at 9:10am after almost 44 hours of labor!!

Congratulations Nick & Mikaela!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Welcome to parenthood...your lives and family will be more joyous every day for it!!

Comments (2)

Mackenzie Lawrence:

Yay!!!! I told Kaela I've been checking your page frequently for pics! Falon is so cute! I can't wait to meet him next week. Congrats Uncle Hart and Aunt Melissa! : )

Cousin Ellen :

OMG! He is sooooo cute! And Mikaela looks no worse for wear after 44 hours. In fact, she looks amazing! Please send my love and congratulations to the happy family.

P.S. Those pix of Sierra's 2nd birthday are also adorable! We love the Pigeon books. That's a very clever idea for a party!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 9, 2008 10:07 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Pre-Vacation Closure.

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