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Graduation-- and Summertime!

Well...Hart finally completed graduate school so it must be time to catch-up and get the blog going again :)

There has been so much that has happened over the last several months, and we do get kinda bummed when we can't post as things are occurring. So, we'll post a few times over the next few days to get everyone caught up in time for Sierra's 2nd birthday!!

To begin, here are a few outings from 2007 that didn't make into the blog in a timely fashion:

  • Our trip to the D.C. zoo. Why aren't there pictures of animals??


sierra_window_lightshadow.jpg ladies_winter07.jpg

The next post, the first few months of 2008!!

Comments (1)


I can't believe Sierra is going to be 2 already! Time really does fly!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 17, 2008 8:03 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Santa Who?.

The next post in this blog is MBA Graduation!.

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