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Our First Family Vacation

It's day 3 of our first family vacation! We're having the most incredible time down in the Outer Banks with some great friends! Imagine MTV's "Real World"...with 30 somethings :) We totally keep it real.

It's pretty sweet, of the 5 couples three of us have infants. By now I'm sure the other two couples are either dreaming about the pitter-patter of little feet...or doubling up on birth control ;)

We spent about 4 hours at the beach yesterday with Sierra...she loved it! We dipped her feet in the water and let her kick a bit in the sand. She really got into it :)

Some beach pictures!

Comments (1)

G-ma Shelli:

Finally, someone who'll enjoy hangin out on the sand with me!!!!!

Loved the pictures -- so glad you're all having a fine time....

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 15, 2006 8:14 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Geno & KC Go NorthEast.

The next post in this blog is The Wright Brothers National Memorial.

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