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This Past Week, Sierra Turned 1 Month Old

How time flies! To mark Sierra's achievement of reaching OneMonthOld status, we held a BBQ in her honor. BBQ Ribs, burgers, chicken, and pasta salad were all consumed by the TheBigPeople who care for and nurture ThePinkOne. ThePinkOne mostly slept in her swing, subtly mocking the revelers around her. Then "Uncle" Andrew held her, and there was much rejoicing :)

As a bonus, I've included some precious pictures of Scout and Sierra enjoying some time together last Sunday afternoon.

Comments (1)


I can just hear Grandma Anne when I see these pix..."what if the dog rolled onto the baby??"

So cute. Love them!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 21, 2006 11:02 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Action Figure Sierra!.

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