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Falls Church Fireworks...Sierra naps like a champ!

Today Uncle Howie and I took Sierra to her very first July 4th fireworks! We tried to stay pretty far back (i.e. the deluxe and elegant Giant parking lot) so that we could see them & hear them but avoid the concussive feeling you get in your chest (which I love...). Despite the fact that Sierra will stir and make cute little wookie noises when I tiptoe past her at 3am, she slept well throughout the fireworks display. Except when held aloft for photo ops :)

We also had fun daytime visits from Uncle Steve and Aunt Debbie & Brian and Nicole!


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btw - taken out of the July 4th context, it looks like you took Sierra to a (super-duper) grand opening of a Giant food store


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 4, 2006 9:31 PM.

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