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Babymoon 2006

If you're thinking about having a baby, and I'm sure at least some of you are, then consider having a Babymoon. The only real requirement of a Babymoon is that unlike preparation for most life changing events (involving chaos, adventure, and sheer madness) the only requirement for a Babymoon is to find a place to have some peace and quiet. You could do it in your own backyard or even your kitchen.

We chose the Florida Keys :)

We spent time on the beach & visited a turtle hospital, visited Family & Friends, and attended our cousin's Tana Kee Kee event at school.

We took a number of digital video and cell phone movies which I'll upload in a day or so.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 17, 2006 12:21 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Hart's 30th Birthday!.

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