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Simply Goes Hollywood!

We had our second sonogram visit today. We spent over an hour watching little Simply Rossman toss & turn, flail, and even got a really cute yawn! I'll post pictures of the yawn a little later.

Simply is very healthy according to the doctor :) She weighs 1lbs. 12 oz. and they measured her femur, kidneys, heart, and brain.

Toward the end of the visit, the doctor said I could take a few digital pictures of my own. Silly me, I accidentally had my camera set to movie mode :)

Turn up the volume and enjoy the show!!!

Movie One, Profile

Movie Two, Profile

Movie Three, Heartbeat!

Movie Four, Head and Arms

Comments (5)


How cool!!

Is she sucking her thumb in one of these!?!??!



You can use those to creep future boyfriends out too.


What a troopper!!! SIMPLY gorgeous!!!! Graceful, talented, and slated for stardom!!!!! Must take after her parents........

Mother Epstein:

Truly. Wonderfilled. Ahhh. SIMPLY adored. SIMPLY loved. SIMPLY. special.
Hope both of you will keep your sense of humor that will be so necessary as Simply will have you both climbing walls!
Lee's Mother. (another parent who climbed walls without the aid of hand and foot holds ;-))

Mother Epstein:

Truly. Wonderfilled. Ahhh. SIMPLY adored. SIMPLY loved. SIMPLY. special.
Hope both of you will keep your sense of humor that will be so necessary as Simply will have you both climbing walls!
Lee's Mother. (another parent who climbed walls without the aid of hand and foot holds ;-))


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 23, 2006 10:09 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Belly Shotz March!.

The next post in this blog is April Belly Shotz!!.

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