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October 2004 Archives

October 12, 2004

Visiting The Florida Crew

We just spent the most excellent time down in sunny Florida with Uncle Rick, Aunt Terri, and cousins Max & Alex! It was a crazy set of logistics guiding the tour: Melissa, Mikaela, and Nick all arrive on Thursday, I arrive Friday. Nick and Mikaela leave Sunday...Melissa and I leave Tuesday. When you add in Aunt Terri's business trip later this week that's roughly 5 trips to the airport in one week!

However, the time there was well spent. With Max & Alex as our activities coordinators no second was wasted. EVER. Between big trips to the skate park (boards & blades), pool time, beach time, golf lessons, lunch @ school, and hikes in the park we spent ample time heeling, PS2, Buddy Boo Boo stories, and homework we had the most active vacation ever!

We'll put on some photo galleries a few at a time over the next few days.

The first two are GOLF and POOL pictures.


October 13, 2004

Visiting the Florida Crew Part ][

Here, for your viewing pleasure, is the second installment of pictures from our recent mini-vacation in Florida. As you can see from the pictures, we crammed 40 days worth of activities into 4 days!

We also removed a few photos deemed "too hot for TV" from the previous photo slide shows.

Without further fanfare- SKATEPARK and SCHOOL LUNCH!!

We also have a 4MB video in MPG format (windows media player) of me at the skatepark. You can view it by clicking HERE.

October 20, 2004

Rock and Roll Half additional Pics

I was just checking some old e-mail and ran across a promotion from the photo sponsor of the Viriginia Beach Rock and Roll Half Marathon that I ran over labor day weekend. Included in the promotion were some shots taken during the race of me which they wanted me to buy. I'm not interested in buying...but I am interested in sharing those photos through our website :)

The time shown on the clock in "crossing the finish line" is off by about 8 minutes due to the fact that I was stuck back in corral 16 and it took about 8 minutes of walking to get from way back there to the actual start line. Call it hubris, but I'm proud of my molasses-slow sub-3hr time :)

Also- note the garmin forerunner GPS 201 watch on my wrist. It was a birthday present from my wife & mother (they know me so well they both got one for me!) I use it everytime I run and really love it!



About October 2004

This page contains all entries posted to Hart and Melissa's Fabulous Website in October 2004. They are listed from oldest to newest.

September 2004 is the previous archive.

November 2004 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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