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Vacation To Budapest & Prague

Melissa and I just returned from an incredible 2 week vacation to Budapest, Hungary and Prague, Czech Republic. We took close to 200 digital photos AND about 10 rolls of film.

I took about 100 digital photos taken in Budapest with our new Sony Cybershot DSC-T1 digital camera (which we really like...it's 5 megapixels and is actually pocket sized!) and put them together in a photo album. You'll notice at the bottom of your screen, below the thumbnail navigation bar, comments on select pictures so that you're clued in on some of what you're looking at.

I have done zero editing/improving of the images other than making sure they all are right-side-up :) I'll probably clean a few of the better ones up and put together a highlights album later.

I suspect I'll put up another 100 digital pictures from Prague tomorrow...

Budapest Photo Album


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 28, 2004 2:14 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Hurtling Towards The Holidays.

The next post in this blog is Budapest & Prague Pictures Part 2.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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